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2025 Programs
"Marketing the Presidency: 125 Years
of Presidential Artifacts"
by Steve Mihaly
of Presidential Artifacts"
by Steve Mihaly
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 7:00 P.M.
Jefferson Hills Borough Building Community Rooms
Jefferson Hills Borough Building Community Rooms
There’s more to an election than simply a discussion of issues; it is also about winning the hearts of the voters themselves. While issues are certainly important, many historic Presidential campaigns went a step further to leave an impression on the voting public. From a catchy slogan to the unusual shower head nozzle, presidential hopefuls over the years found exciting and fun ways to remain memorable to their potential supporters. In March Steve Mihaly, historian and avid collector of Presidential artifacts, will deliver an informative program on this fascinating aspect of political history. As part of his program, Steve will display several authentic artifacts from previous Presidential elections.
Note: Election of two new WJHHS Board members will precede the program.
April 23, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Women Who Made a Difference” by Amy Smart
May 28, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Whispering Souls Paranormal Investigations” by Patty Henderson
June 25, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Pittsburgh Railroad and Trolley Museum” by George Gula
July 23, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Then and Now” by Keith Pancoast
August 27, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Henry Clay Frick-A Man and His Buildings” by Steven Tkach
September 24, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “Kaufmann’s: The Family That Built Pittsburgh’s Famed Department Store” by Marylynne Pitz and Laura Schneiderman
October 22, Wednesday at 7:00 pm “The Salem Witch Trials” by Todd DePastino